Case Studies

Visual Identity: Simple, But Successful Logos. Success Stories

The visual identity continues to be a very important factor in every brand. Remember that it encompasses everything that can differentiate a company from the rest, both visually and conceptually. In this case, the logo is a way to express the essence of a brand, it will be the first thing users will see and what could attract them completely or scare them away. Precisely for that reason, in this note, we have made a compilation of simple logos with a great scope.

Visual identity: Top 7. Simple, but successful logos

Next, you will see a couple of logos that you may have already seen, but you probably do not know the background of their creation. So let’s start as soon as possible:

1 # Zara

Its simplicity has led this brand to be one of the most recognized and attended worldwide. In this case, we can see that it is a typographic logo, it is a simple, direct, and concise name.

Even when it is considered one of the most simple and graceless logos in the fashion industry, Zara has been able to position itself in the mind of the consumer. And is that users who have not even bought in these stores, see the logo, and immediately recognize the brand.

Reason? Zara has been in charge of maintaining a very neat visual identity. In the shops, everything is white, and the staff wears black. In this way, it maintains a visual coherence with the name of the brand.

2 # Nespresso

We continue highlighting the typographic logos. Nespresso, through its typography, demonstrates clarity and precision in its message, the black color gives it a touch of elegance and formality. The name of this brand is memorable: easy to pronounce, delicate, synthetic, and powerful.

In this case, it merges two clear and powerful concepts: Nestlé – Nescafé and Espresso What is your goal? Show that your product has premium quality.

3 # Apple

This neat and simple design has been able to polish Apple’s visual identity. It is very difficult for a common user to see the isotype (it is only an image, without text) and not know what the brand is dedicated to and what its name is.

Although Apple started with a completely different logo, from 1976 onwards, it began to show what it wanted to show the public. It was not until 2013 that he defined what would become one of the most recognized logos worldwide.

Today, this simple isotype demonstrates the design values of this brand: simplicity, attractiveness, and beauty.

4 # Google

Although Google has broken some specific rules of branding to use tonalities that break with each other, the brand has managed to penetrate the mind of the consumer. To the point that their representative colors are easily memorable. This logo has become the awakening of users, it is the first thing they see on the web when they open the browser.

5 # Amazon

It is impossible not to mention the giant of e-commerce in this selection of simple visual identity, but successful. Do you know what the arrow that is under the brand name refers to? Amazon has managed to take its objective as a very present brand, in a few words, it indicates that in its platforms they can get everything … Yes, from A to Z, that is the meaning of the arrow.

With this simple logo, the company has managed to create very powerful brand recognition, to the point of standing out among the rest. And we know that there is no other e-commerce that exceeds the experience that is achieved with Amazon.

From its logo, we obtain two meanings: its purpose as a company and a simple design that seeks to highlight the main objective, without disguising the message.

6 # Nike

First, it started being an Isologotype (combination between name and graphic) until it was in an isotype, the current image of this sports brand. The iconic Nike popcorn was selected by its co-founder, who commented that he did not like it, but that he would get used to it.

Without thinking about how many years later this logo would end up becoming one of the most recognized worldwide, its simplicity shows elegance, movement, and speed, a description given by its founders.

7 # Adidas

We close this selection with the Adidas brand. This Isologotype was created by its own founder, who used the three stripes for the first time in Adidas footwear. Since its inception, the shape of the logo has changed, but its essence has remained. Its bars emphasize the challenges that the brand must overcome to achieve the desired goals.

These samples of visual identity through different logos have achieved the recognition of brands worldwide. Did you know them?

How To Get More Web Visits

This time we want to help you increase your organic web traffic. Google has announced several times those good practices that web developers must carry out to achieve good SEO positioning, to avoid being penalized. Today we will focus on several aspects to consider, such as the creation of incoming links (link building), quality content, and the use of blogs and forums.

About the generation of links. There are many who still believe that they can fill the web page with millions of links to increase their SEO positioning, but this type of action would eventually penalize the web. In Mullbrand we are in favor of another type of action, more effective in the medium and long term and, in many cases, effective immediately. It is about looking for content of relevance, quality for the user. This simultaneously generates quality links, which will take us to the first page of Google. Now, this is hard and constant work.

It is not necessary to be a digital marketing guru to know that this is the way to go. Many experts and online marketing agencies promise and promise to position, the only thing we can say is that the best way to see a positive evolution on our website is to learn from experience and do the “tasks” of web positioning with ethics and natural form.


The first thing is to study the website of the company in question, the platform or development used for its creation, the URL’s, to know if the images have been optimized, that there is no duplicate text, among others, to carry out a strategy of more objective and effective positioning. For this, we use essential tools, which make our work much easier, for example, Google Analytics and Webmaster Tools for developers, others like SEMRush, which offers us alternatives to search for the indicated keywords.


Once the SEO of the website has been strengthened to the position, with an already optimized code, with the well-labeled web images, with the ALT texts and titles in the images, etc., that is when we must go to the phase of generation of contents. The long and attractive articles are very beneficial for SEO, with powerful images, infographics that complete the information shown in the text body. This type of articles with titles and keywords of the long tail, with URL’s based on the same keywords and categorized in sections with the same keywords, will make our website significantly increase the number of visits.

The use of social networks for this type of action in fundamental, in our opinion, the virtualization or dissemination of content will make our article “go further”, will favor the increase of visits to the web.


Writing interesting comments in blogs with the same theme or business sector, registering in forums related to our website, and participating in them will make us have a greater online presence. Apparently, this does not seem to work in the short term, but it is a vital activity for Google since it detects that the information we disseminate or share is real and interesting for the public, so it will value our website in a very positive medium and long way. The term increased the ranking of positions in the search engine.

However, once Google alarms have sounded and we have managed to climb positions in the search engine, with the continuous positioning work, we will be able to attract exponentially new visits to our website. That is, direct web traffic will also increase since more users will know us.

In general, this is complicated, but you should not miss the opportunity to get links from other blogs or forums, you will appreciate that organic, referral, social and direct traffic will be constantly increasing.


When one of our clients manages to be on the first page when they perform a search with their keyword and their website appears when the traffic of their website multiplies and the SEO positioning increases, these tend to think that all the SEO positioning work already has been done and that this positioning will last forever.

Web positioning is something that changes daily, requires constant activity and maintenance so as not to lose positions. Just as we strive to keep a well-positioned website alive, there is also a lot of competition, businesses, and agencies that struggle with new digital strategies, keywords, and, also daily, to appear in the top positions of Google.

With this, the only thing we can say is that it is totally forbidden to stay relaxed waiting to be positioned. Therefore, if you want to gain visibility on your website, contact us and we will advise you.

The 7 Most Used Communication Channels

There are different ways to communicate and also different means to establish this communication. When we think of clients, this is even more evident, since your audience can look for you in many communication channels. For this reason, it is important to know how to identify the best way to transmit your message to each person and each channel. Thinking about that, we select here the 7 main online channels that can help you in your business.

What are the communication channels?

Communication channels are tools used by companies to establish a relationship with their audience and communicate with them. The channels enhance the experience between the client and the brand, strengthening relationship marketing and providing recognition to the company and impact on sales.

Through them you can:

  • Present your clients with a new product or service;
  • Keep people informed about everything related to your area of action;
  • Answer your questions and comments;
  • Share materials that can bring your audience closer to your brand.

Therefore, when choosing the channel you will use, it must be one that provides information, that helps your audience adding value and offering solutions.

Know what are the pain points, the doubts, the wishes, and the objectives of your consumer. In this way, you will be able to create useful content to establish a relationship with it.

What are the communication channels for?

Communication channels help build and root your brand with your audience, intensifying sales, and helping you understand their behavior. They function as a bridge between you and your audience. Therefore, knowing how to work in each channel is as fundamental as choosing your buyer persona, because your digital marketing strategy will be built on that.

There is no specific channel that brings you a bigger and better result. Everything depends on your business and the profile of your customers. But since there are several communication channels, it is recommended that you be in more than one. In this way, the public will have more than one customer service option and you will have more opportunities to strengthen your relationship with them. Ideally, opt for a form of communication that is related to the culture of the company and that manages to dialogue easily and adequately in each channel.

You must be wondering what are the most used channels, right? Then let’s start.

1. Social Media

Social networks are widely used as a strategy to strengthen the relationship with the customer, because they allow you to interact directly with the public, in addition to increasing their involvement with the brand. In it, you can respond to comments and offer relevant content in various formats, such as photos, videos, and texts. It is worth remembering that each audience in each network has different behavior. Therefore, it is necessary to create content related to each medium.

To learn more about the topic, read our post about types of content for social networks.

2. Blogs

This is the most used means to provide educational information on various issues. With blogs, it is possible to build a cycle of publications and create new ways of approaching your audience. The idea of the blog is to expose your knowledge showing not only the subject in which you have recognized authority but also covering general topics of interest to your audience.

When you offer educational content you create a relationship with your audience, as you answer their doubts about different issues related to the market. This also helps to transform you into an authority in your market.

It is important to keep the blog always updated. In this way, you create a dynamic, since your audience knows that you will always publish texts. That increases your visibility, loyalty to your visitors, and conquer the confidence of your client. In addition, there are several other strategies behind a blog, from the insertion of a banner with sponsored links to the inclusion of a space for questions and suggestions related to your business. It is worth exploring all these opportunities.

3. Email marketing

The email marketing is a communication channel that allows deliver personalized message for a base of leads and customers. This channel is widely used for its low cost, and for speaking directly with an audience that already showed interest in your business. You can use it both to talk about your brand, to send a promotion, give ads or offer rich content for your client. Today, there are various email triggering tools that automate the entire process, from creation to measurement of the result. One of them is the MailChimp , do not forget to know it.

4. Customer service

This sector, which is often the gateway for the user, goes beyond customer service to clarify their doubts and solve their problems. Quality care transforms customer pain point solution and can turn a defender of the brand. In addition to anticipating possible difficulties, through customer service you can identify bottlenecks and discover your main doubts and needs. You can offer this service via email, phone or chat.

The important thing is to have a qualified team, with a high level of knowledge about your business and to provide good service to your customers.

5. Videos

This format of disclosure that grew significantly in recent times is among the consumer favorites for the public today. Today, videos are not used only for entertainment or dissemination of products and services. They are also produced and thought for didactic and educational purposes. This type of content, in addition to being fast and attractive, facilitates the understanding of the message.

Just as the communication channels presented are important, so is creating a content marketing strategy for your video. Your audience needs to have a true experience that is interesting to take it to the main objective of the video, whether it is selling or reporting something.

6. Discussion forums

Widely used by online course students, the discussion forum is a digital channel focused on collective interaction. In it, all users manage to communicate and exchange experiences, both good and bad. It is exactly for this reason that it is interesting to be present in these communication channels, mainly if there is a forum about your business. Having knowledge of this, you can mediate the discussions on a certain topic, you can clarify doubts to enhance the understanding of the content, or even understand the problems of a dissatisfied customer.

7. External complaint channels

Since not everything is flowers, it is very common to have unsatisfied customers who claim your product or service in communication channels that you do not necessarily control. Web pages of claims services or customer service are used to show that dissatisfaction and it is important that you not only know everything that is being placed in them but also that you respond to complaints. Thus, you manage to understand your client and you can even take measures to change the perception he has of your business.

Why use more than one communication channel?

Choosing the appropriate communication channels for each situation is very important for the success of your business Believe us, you will have to use more than one channel, in the end, your audience can be in all of them and you will never know it if you do not use them. But if you work alone, or do not yet have a team that can help you in each channel, do not run trying to use them all.

It is important to answer questions and receive suggestions from your customers, and when you have many channels to communicate the task can be long and difficult to control.


Define strategies

Observe all the communication channels used to keep them always up-to-date. It is important to post new content at least once a week and have an editorial calendar to help you in that.


Stay updated! Create a daily reading routine to keep you informed of the main events of your digital market. That helps when it comes to producing your content.

Manage all your communication channels

It is very easy to forget about some communication channel, which will make your clients’ messages accumulate. So that does not happen, create a management routine and verify all the comments that your business receives.

Identify your buyer person

The person is a fictitious character that represents your ideal client. She has all the characteristics of the people for whom you intend to direct your product or service. Unlike the target audience, when we create a person, we look for more detailed characteristics, such as habits, personality, desires and needs. The creation of the person will direct your product to the right people, in addition to showing which are the channels of communication with which your audience interacts more. This way, you will really understand where you need to be present to talk with your audience.

What Are Sponsored Links And How Does Online Advertising Work

You already know that content marketing is an excellent way to get new customers organically. But if you use this strategy, you must have already realized that it brings long-term results. For those who need to attract a public more quickly, online advertising is an excellent option. Among the various ways to advertise, are sponsored links, campaigns that appear at the top of the search results list. Do you want to understand this matter better? Follow us

What is a sponsored link?

The name helps to understand this strategy, is not it? Because in fact, it is that: they are access links that you offer to your audience through advertisements. That is, they are paid. These links are provided with simple texts and generally appear in the first places of search mechanisms such as Google. When you write a term in the search engine, have you already seen that in the first positions of the list some results appear in the form of an advertisement? Those are the sponsored links.

But, in addition to Google, other websites also open the possibility of investing in sponsored links. Facebook and  Instagram are examples of that. Both have their own ads, which is a good option, considering the high number of accesses that these two networks have. Regardless of the channel, any of these has similar formats in their ad platforms, although, generally, these three media are used for different strategies. Google focuses on the user’s search. But how? Well, you invest in a link focused on a certain keyword.

For example, You work as a designer in the city of Valencia. At the time of announcing your Web page, you invest in the term “Designer in Valencia”. Whenever a user enters this term in the search, your name may appear.

Of course, there are other peculiarities, but in a few words, that’s how sponsored links work.

What do you need to know about the matter?

Despite being used with different strategies in each channel, sponsored links almost always have some definitions in common, wherever they are displayed. These are strategic terms that you need to know – and master – to achieve successful online advertising. And we are going to talk a little more about the most important ones.


If you are new to the digital market, you should be asking yourself, in fact, what conversion means. In digital marketing, the conversion is nothing more or nothing less than the real objective of a strategy: getting customers. If your strategy is, for example, to distribute ebooks so that your users learn to “use the paintbrush of Photoshop”, the conversion happens when that person enters your sales page and buys your ebook.

However, not always a click on your ad becomes a conversion. But this is an indicator that you need to know before creating your ads.

CPC (Cost per click)

The CPC, grosso modo, is the value charged for each click of the users in your ads. Generally, it is the model adopted by those who make advertisements in Google Ads, but it is also the ideal indicator for those who want to know the exact value they are spending with an advertisement. It is a price calculation that is easy to do and control, that is why it is the most suitable for those who are starting now.

The CPC calculation is the result of dividing the total cost of the ad by the number of clicks received during the campaign.

CPA (Cost per acquisition)

The CPA is only charged when there is a conversion on your website, that is, only when a user clicks on your sponsored link and makes a purchase. This seems like the best way to invest in ads, is not it? However, there are several requirements to use the cost-per-acquisition format, including having at least 15 conversions over 30 days and having your Google Ads campaign have conversion tracking turned on.

When you purchase a package by CPA, your online advertising will be automated. This means that you will have less control over the position of your ads and you will be suffering from some variables such as the click rate and the quality of the ad texts. Before opting for this method, try other types of price calculation to evaluate if the CPA is really the most recommended for you. It is important that you also know that by this method you will not necessarily reduce your costs with sponsored links.

CTR (Rate of click or click-through rate)

The CTR is a meter that verifies the proportion between the times your ad was shown and the number of clicks it received. By that meter, you check if your sponsored links strategy has worked. By CTR you can evaluate which ads and keywords perform well, and filter which ones you should reconsider. Google evaluates your CTR when it’s going to place your ad in a search, for example. And it also causes the price per click to decrease.

For a powerful CTR, you need to be aware of digital marketing techniques, such as good CTA (call to action), for example. Therefore, you should always be updating yourself with some SEO suggestions. In those moments, they are very important.

Is it worth investing in sponsored links?

You must have understood that, for a short and medium-term strategy, sponsored links are highly recommended. Therefore, they can be a good option for you. Of course, everything depends on the type of keyword you want to use and your creativity to compose an advertisement. Even so, it is important that you learn about ads to be able to build them and place them in your content marketing strategy.

3 Formats For Advertising On Social Networks

Social media plays a key role in the communication of a company, so it is not surprising that these 3 formats have emerged for social media advertising, to help brands show their product more visually and reach a wider audience. We review some of the most innovative advertising formats.

3 formats for advertising on social networks

Facebook Collection

Mark Zuckerberg’s company recently launched a new mobile advertising format called the Facebook Collection. Mobile devices have changed the way we communicate and also the way in which brands promote their products or services. More and more products that we acquire through the Smartphone. A study by IAB Spain reveals that 41% of individuals residing in Spain have purchased through the Smartphone.

This, together with the fact that we live in a visual era, has meant that companies such as Facebook are dedicated to launching exclusive formats for mobile devices. Its operation is very simple. In the Collection ads, a video or main image appears, followed by some images of the products offered by the brand. When clicking on the ad, up to 50 different products will be displayed. You have the possibility to click on each of them and get more details about it, and you can even make the purchase.

Its main advantage is that the load times are reduced in relation to the purchase in web pages, generating a better shopping experience for the user.

YouTube Bumper Ads

YouTube Bumper Ads is another example of the Smartphone has become an essential part of our lives. This new advertising format is based on Snackable Content. Snackable Content consists of offering small content capsules to capture the user’s attention. This although you do not believe it, it is really very useful since according to several studies, the average attention that an adult is of only 2.8 seconds.

The time is gold! Given the immense amount of information, brevity is a point in favor. YouTube seemed to be quite clear and launched an ephemeral format last year of only 6 seconds. Previously, YouTube’s advertising videos lasted between 15 seconds and 1 minute depending on the chosen format. With the arrival of the Bumper Ads, the time is considerably reduced.

This new advertising format can appear at the beginning, during, or at the end of the video. The Bumper Ads, are focused on launching very direct and simple messages to remember. Of course, there is a detail that so far did not happen in most YouTube formats: Bumper Ads cannot be skipped.

Twitter Conversational Ads

Interactivity is one of the possibilities offered by new social media. In the current era, the user is not only satisfied with purchasing a product but also wants to be able to contact the brand and have their voice heard and Twitter has given them that possibility.

Last summer, he launched a new advertising format based on interaction with the user, Conversational Ads. This format has been seen in Spain recently during the broadcast of several series on the national scene. Twitter Conversational Ads consists of offering exclusive content. The brand publishes a tweet that allows you to know something that otherwise would not be possible for you. But this content has a particularity: it is blocked. Do you want to know what is hidden behind the tweet? Tweet with the hashtag to unlock it.

This format has been widely used mainly by television networks, which have taken advantage to offer exclusive advances and additional content. After reviewing these three formats for advertising on social networks, there seems to be a tendency to offer formats oriented almost exclusively to the mobile. Maybe next time the list will continue to expand, while we will continue to learn everything about these 3.

How To Use Telegram As A Marketing Tool

While Telegram is not as popular an application as WhatsApp, it is also an ideal alternative to enhance your marketing strategy. And everything that can serve as a good tool to increase the reach of your brand, is an option that is worth knowing more thoroughly. So in this post, we tell you more about this application and its link to the market industry.

What is Telegram?

First of all, do you know the Telegram application? If you have not done it yet, we present it to you. This is a kind of combination between conventional email and WhatsApp. A free instant messaging application, fast and secure in the exchange of messages. It also adapts perfectly to all devices and operating systems, since it is based in the cloud.

With Telegram, you have the opportunity to send messages in text, photos, files of any format, and videos. In addition, you have the possibility to create dynamic social, family or workgroups. One of the main advantages that you can take advantage of in your marketing strategy is the creation of bots … Yes, since a long time ago, this application implemented the bots. Mainly because of that, it is a good ally for your marketing strategy.

Telegram and Marketing: Is this combination feasible?

A definite YES! The strongest point of this application is that it supports the creation of channels, these can be designed with unlimited users, and only administrators can create and disseminate the content. In this way, the channel is prevented from transforming into an uncontrolled chat.

So the best way to take advantage of Telegram is by creating a public channel that would act as a powerful window to strengthen a special bond with your potential users. And is that this application is one of the best communication tools. And, unlike other applications, this tool has an amazing desktop version, similar to Skype. It can be installed in different devices to be used at the same time. Therefore, it is great to carry a good marketing campaign where different components are covered.

Another advantage of this application is its level of security and message encryption. Considering that the main purpose of Telegram is to differentiate itself from its competitors (WhatsApp, in the first place), it tries to provide a more satisfactory user experience. To do this gives relevance to security, has ensured that the protection of conversations is given under more powerful encryption. And, in relation to the personal data of third parties (advertisers), they are safeguarded.

And as the last advantage, but not least, the file transfer is also a plus of this application. Its ability to share an unlimited number of files (up to 1.5GB) is phenomenal. In the channels, this will allow offering more possibilities to the users of sharing documents, photographs, audios.

Going deeper into the Telegram bots

Another advantageous point that we must break down more deeply is the bots, in previous lines, we made a brief mention of them. But this is the real touch of gold that makes this application stand out, so it’s worth knowing more about it.
Telegram bots are similar to users but automatic. That is, you can chat with a bot and, according to the type of robot selected, it will have the capacity to perform certain specific actions that will be previously defined.

Chatbots is greater reach, personalization of messages, more fidelity, and, therefore, more possibilities for conversion and sales. And bots could also be an excellent form for you to collect relevant information about your target audience.

In addition, every time you share an entry in your blog, or upload a new video on your YouTube channel, the bot will automatically publish it among your channel’s followers. So you can encourage more follow-up and more loyalty of your users to your brand.

All this, thanks to the bots are a good way of customer service, through which you can build a more valuable relationship with your target audience. As collateral benefits, you will have more chances to increase the conversion rate, sales levels, and database of your business.

As you see, Telegram is an effective alternative to enhance your marketing strategy, it is an excellent tool.

How To Increase The CTR Of Your Results In Google

Appearing in the top 10 results in a Google search is what every brand wants, but do you know what you should do to stay in it? Increasing your CTR. Position yourself on the first page of Google. But not only is it necessary to improve your SEO, but it also imports your CTR to keep you in it. Believe it or not, the click rate of users in a certain link will cause it to go up or down in the list of results. That is why it is very important to ensure that our result is maintained. How? Very simple, with these different techniques to increase your CTR. But, let us start at the beginning.

What is CTR?

The CTR is a percentage that tells us how many times a user clicks on one of our links. Calculating it is as simple as dividing the number of clicks between impressions and multiplying it by 100.

Increase clicks to one of our links, it improves your ranking within the list of search results. For this, we must do it in the right way, without cheating, and without deceiving the users, since, if we carry out “bad practices” against users, offering information that does not correspond, Google could penalize us by making our links lose placed on the list.

So you should always keep in mind that to improve your CTR and SEO, visibility and traffic to your website should be inseparable. But how does Google get all these results? Through its RankBrain algorithm. Adcortex is in charge of offering us a better user experience when we browse Google so that it always shows us the most relevant content to our search.

In this sense, the CTR plays a very important part. Since, if within the same list of results are identical, Google will position the link that has the highest CTR before the rest.

How do I know what my CTR is?

Knowing the CTR of your links in Google is as easy as accessing your panel in Search Console.

From this tool, you can not only know your CTR, but also other very interesting data such as the number of clicks that users make on your results; the impressions, or even the average position of your pages in Google.

As for the CTR, it gives us the possibility to know data such as:

  • The CTR of your keywords.
  • The CTR of your pages in Google.
  • The CTR of your mobile results.
  • The CTR that your website has in different countries or types of search.

All these data are necessary to carry out a good SEO strategy and above all, to know how to correctly position all the links in Google.

How do I increase my CTR?

Now that we know the basics, increasing our CTR is very simple.


Once you know what your keywords are, using them should be something you do naturally, without forcing them.

It does not matter if you do not use them as they appear in the tool where you have chosen them. The important thing is that they appear.

You can also use the Search Console to know that other keywords are being positioned in your results. And so, increase clicks and searches much more to them.

Meta description.

You can never neglect the meta description, in your Google results. In it, you must include the keyword along with other similar or related, with which you believe that users will find you. The Meta description is what will make the user do or not click on your result during your search, so you must make it attractive and concise. Before writing it, look at those that contain the first 10 results and think about how you could improve them.

Call to action

Within online marketing, calls to action are a fundamental element to capture the user’s attention. Use them in your titles or descriptions. Of course, always according to your brand. To make them, you can add capital letters, exclamation marks, emojis. Everything you can think of.


The next item in the user’s view in a list of results is the web address.

URLs are not only vital for users, but also for Google. With these steps, you’ll get Google and users right.

  • Short and descriptive URLs: use between four and five words. Avoid including the familiar Stop Words, words like prepositions, pronouns, etc. that lack meaning.
  • Include the keywords: if we want to be found by certain words, why not use them in the URL too?

Google AMP

The smartphone is the main support through which we connect to the internet. So it is increasingly important that websites load faster and adapt better to the different sizes of our digital screens. MPA or Accelerated Mobile Pages besides make websites load faster, improve our CTR on Google. How to know if we have it active? Very easy, you just have to check if the acronym AMP appears next to the title of your search result.

Rich Snippets

Make your content more visual than the rest, with elements such as reviews, recipes, or events that visits will increase and with them your CTR. But watch out! Google will be the one who decides to show or not these elements, depending on what seems relevant and necessary for our website.

Features Snippets.

Have you searched for a recipe on Google and it has appeared in the form of a small post? These are the Featured Snippets. They are in position 0, just above the first search result. The biggest advantage that these supplements provide us is that our result does not have to be the first to appear there. To appear there, you just have to be between the first 6 results, a well-structured content type listing, or short paragraphs. And Google will do the rest.

As you see staying on the first page of Google is very easy if you carry out a good SEO strategy. Therefore, we always recommend that before starting “crazy” consult a professional.

At AdCortex we not only fine-tune your website’s SEO, but we also carry out search engine positioning strategies so that you can quickly appear in the top position of Google.

10 Banks Of Free Images That Will Save You From A Hurry

Because “a picture is worth a thousand words”, we show you 10 banks of free images that will save you from more than one hurry. Before starting, you should bear in mind that there are different types of licenses for use when referring to images. Some of them allow reuse with and without modifications, non-commercial reuse, or commercial reuse.

The images, for the most part, are protected by copyright. This means that they already have an owner and make it impossible for us to use them legally. For this reason and so that you never have to worry about the rights of an image, add these 10 banks of free images to your favorites!

1# Pixabay

Excellent image bank, where we can find photos, illustrations, vectors, and videos. It also contains a section of search tools, with which we can apply filters to find exactly what we want. The license of all your images is from Creative C0mmons, which means that it is in the public domain, without reserved rights and therefore, allows you to use them for the purpose you want. It is one of the very few pages that we find in Spanish, and where you can search easily if yours is not English.

2 # Pexels

Pexels is a bank of images with numerous resources. It is a community of photographers from all over the world, who have the option to upload up to five photos on the same day, all their images are public domain CC0. In spite of not having a translation into Spanish, it is possible to choose between English or German to navigate through it. Therefore, the words related to the search must be in that language.

3 #  Magdeleine

When you enter the page, you show us your mission, a new image per day. This page collects images of high quality, with landscapes, nature, mostly public domain. The others, you just have to grant the author attribution, putting your name and link at the time of use.

4 # Unsplash

This bank of images created by the agency Crew Labs was born with a strict policy, it was only possible to upload 10 daily photos with a CCO Zero license. With this license, the user is allowed to copy, modify, distribute, and publish the photos for free and at no cost. Politics that after its great popularity had to suspend.

Musicians, photographers, artists, every creative person, and for the most part independent are those who manage to make this bank of images a place to find almost all the themes. In addition, one of the things that we like most is the possibility of searching for terms related to our main query. All a success if you find yourself a little hesitant.

5 # Stokpic

The operation of Stokpic is to upload 10 new photos every two weeks, which as we can see if we subscribe, they send them to us themselves. These are organized into 16 categories with their corresponding labels and also have a search engine. All this to make it easier for us to find the image we need. They have a CC0 public domain license, but one limitation: they can not be redistributed, sold.

6 #

A fantastic search of high-quality photographs and a broad theme has a public domain license CC0, so we can also use them freely. It has a search engine, popular searches, and a multitude of categories, all of them, resources that make our task easier. It also gives you the option to upload your own photographs.

7 # Gratisography

It is a relatively small site with the other banks, but they also have images with a maximum resolution and, of course, with a public domain license. What characterizes this bank of images, is the ease to download it, just by clicking on the image it starts. Every week, new images come up, so it will not be long before they grow up and walk on the heels of the other portals.

8 # SplitShire

It has a section with the Top of the best photos, impressive photographs with a very high resolution. This bank allows you to download both images and videos, for it has 18 categories, with which you will find it easier to search. Regarding the license, not the specific one, you can download them for free, but making responsible use of them. The author of this image bank also has social networks where you can find his wonderful photographs.

9 # Lifeofpix

Lifeofpix is ​​formed by a large community of photographers, who share their photos with a CC0 public domain license. It has a gallery with 13 folders, where these photographers publish high-resolution images every week. We can also find videos.

10 # New Old Stock

This site has a peculiarity as well as special beauty. It is not a common image bank, they are old photographs that have been rescued from sites with a public domain license. They transport us to the past. This page, by clicking on your images, redirects you to Flickr, where you can download them. They also have a Twitter account where you can follow them.

Reasons To Create A Corporate Blog

Creating a corporate blog is a useful way to achieve your brand’s objectives, increasing your reach and optimizing relationships with the potential audience. As you know, the digital era is updating everything in its path, especially when it comes to business. So those who are not able to stay on the internet, have little success.

Therefore, having a corporate blog is a good way to maintain constant communication with your users. Today we tell you the main reasons for your encouragement to create it.

7 Reasons why create a corporate blog

If you still do not know why maintaining a corporate blog is important to increase the reach of your brand, take a look at the following reasons:


1 # Increase contact with your users

Positioning yourself in the mind of the consumer is of vital relevance to be among your first purchase options. Through a corporate blog, you can keep your potential users up to date and foster a more lasting bond over time. All this, by offering content of value that suits your needs and interests.

It is a good way to maintain your digital presence and encourage your users to take a look at your products and/or services in real time.


2 # Build and consolidate your brand


By creating a corporate blog you help build and consolidate your brand in the market, especially in the digital one. For while you increase your reach, your reputation and create a positive image, your brand will take more relevance and consolidation. You can transmit your philosophy, your values, and structure, beyond a nice design or logo. You will give the impulse that you need to compete with the rest of the companies in your sector.


3 # You generate traffic to your website

A blog allows you to generate potential visits to your main website, where you can guide users during the purchase process. In this way, you increase the chances of visitors becoming customers. Since on your official website you can get all the information about your brand, products and/or services offered. As well as the ways to contact you. In short, it is a good way to stimulate conversions and sales.


4 # You trust your users

Create a corporate blog whereas a brand you treat relevant and interesting topics for your users, it is a way to contribute to optimizing the reputation. And at the same time, you can position your company as a trusted brand that provides valuable content to your audience. So you get to win the interest of your potential users.

And is that usually, the content that visitors consume in blogs come to influence their purchase decision. Hence, the importance of establishing itself as a brand that transmits confidence to its most potential customers.


5 # You Make Social Branding


Having a blog gives you the possibility to grow your brand in social networks and other virtual platforms. Mainly because a blog shares cool and interactive content that can be promoted in popular networks. Be it Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest or LinkedIn, everything will depend on the networks that your potential users use the most.

For this reason, the actions of branding on the web are duplicated, since you adopt the same content to the particularities of each of the social platforms in which your brand is present. Samples respect to the consumption norms of each social network.


6 # You know the opinions of your potential users

Through the comments, you can know the opinions of your potential users, without the need to carry out large market studies. This, in turn, allows you to know which areas you need to improve and which ones to improve in order to continue to please the public.


7 # It is a key piece in a content marketing strategy

Creating a corporate blog is an excellent way to get valuable content to your users. Which manage to capture their attention and encourage them to know more about your company. And it is that a user before making his final purchase decision goes in search of information about his options, and of course he does it through the internet.

In a blog, you can share personalized and specialized content in your sector, where in addition to promoting your brand, you offer solutions to common problems. This is a plus to forge your own potential virtual community.

As you can see, creating a corporate blog is much more than saying what products and/or services you sell. It’s about creating a value relationship with your target audience. So, do you want to create a blog for your company?

How To Create An Effective Business Marketing Plan

Do you pay proper attention to building a solid and effective strategy for your marketing team every year?

You should do it.

An annual marketing plan helps you take the right marketing strategy and achieve your business goals. Consider it as a high-level plan that guides the direction of your campaigns, business goals and the growth of your team.

Without it, the situation can become complex – and it is almost impossible to establish the budget you have to guarantee for the projects, the hiring and the outsourcing you’ll come across in a year if you don’t have a plan.

Keep in mind that the marketing plan you need varies by industry and by the goals of your marketing team. To simplify the creation, we have put together a list of what to include and some different planning models.

To begin, let’s see what a high-level marketing plan is.


Essential elements of a Marketing Plan

Marketing plans can get pretty gritty in reflecting the sector you work in, if you want to sell to consumers (B2C) or other companies (B2B) and how big your digital presence is. So here are six elements that every effective marketing plan includes:

1. Business Summary


In a marketing plan, your Business Summary is exactly what it looks like: a summary of your business. This includes your organization’s name, location, and mission statement – which should all be consistent with the company as a whole.

The Business Summary of your marketing plan also includes a SWOT analysis, which indicates the company’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Be patient with your company’s SWOT analysis; you will be the one to write most of them based on how you complete the elements of the following marketing plan.

2. Business Initiatives

The Business Initiatives part of a marketing plan helps you to segment the various goals of your department. Be careful not to include large corporate initiatives that you would normally find in a business plan. This section of your marketing plan should highlight specific marketing projects. You will also describe the goals of those projects and how these goals will be measured.

3. Target Market

Here you will conduct some basic market research. If your company has already done a thorough market research study, this section of your marketing plan might be easier. Furthermore, this element of your marketing plan will help you describe your sales sector, an analysis of your competitors, and your personal buyer. A person buyer is a semi-fictitious description of your ideal client, focused on features such as age, location, job title, and personal challenges.

4. Market Strategy

Your Market Strategy uses the information contained in the Reference Market section to describe how your company should approach the market. What will your business offer your buyers that your competitors are not already offering? In the full version of a marketing plan, this section may contain “the seven marketing P’s”. These P are products, prices, places, promotions, people, processes and physical evidence. (You’ll find more information on these seven elements in our free marketing plan template, which you can download below.)

5. Budget

Don’t misunderstand the Budget element of your marketing plan with the price of your products or other financial data of the company. Your budget describes how much money the company has allocated to the marketing team to carry out the initiatives and goals listed in the previous elements. Depending on how many individual expenses you have, you should try to divide this budget based on specific expenses. For example, marketing expenses include a marketing agency, marketing software, paid promotions and events (the ones you will host and/or participate in).

6. Marketing channels

Finally, your marketing plan will include a list of your marketing channels. While your company could promote the product itself using advertising space, with the marketing channels you publish the content that educates your buyers, generate contacts and spread the knowledge of your brand.

If you publish (or intend to publish) on social media, this is the right place to talk about it. Use the Marketing Channels section of your marketing plan to expose on which social networks you want to start a page of your business, what you will use this social network for and how you will measure your success on these channels. Part of the purpose of this section is to demonstrate to your superiors, both inside and outside of Marketing, that these channels will grow the business.

Businesses with a strong social media presence could also consider deepening a social media strategy in a separate model of a social media plan.

Get the first results and climb quickly!

The best way to plan your annual marketing plan is to get the first results quickly, so you can quickly scale and focus (together with your team) on more challenging goals and more sophisticated projects before the fourth quarter.

So what do you think? Ready to go?

AdCortex offers Integrated Digital Marketing services to startups and businesses. As fans of the scientific method, we at AdCortex combine science with all our digital marketing activities. Our formula is a method for designing and optimizing high-performance marketing campaigns. Get in touch to power up your digital presence starting today!

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